The official website of the HHMI Science Education Alliance-Phage Hunters Advancing Genomics and Evolutionary Science program.

Philly Phage Phestival 2019
Nov 16
9:30 AM
Nov 16
4 PM

The 2019 Philly Phage Phestival will be held on November 16 at Drexel University in Philadelphia, PA. Activities will include a keynote talk from Dr. Graham Hatfull from the University of Pittsburgh, as well as poster sessions featuring students from nearby SEA-PHAGES institutions, and faculty workshops that will cover additional topics relevant to the SEA-PHAGES project.

Attendance is by invitation only.
If you have any questions regarding the event, please contact Meredith Casino

Meeting type: Local Symposium

Facility: None

Current Events

Phage Discovery Workshop 17B

July 13, 2024 to July 19, 2024

2024 Phage Discovery Workshop 17B

July 13, 2024 to July 19, 2024

Upcoming Events

2024 Phage Genomics Workshop

December 9, 2024 to December 13, 2024

2025 SEA Symposium

April 25, 2025 to April 27, 2025

2025 SEA Faculty Meeting

June 6, 2025 to June 9, 2024

Recent Events

2024 Phage Discovery Workshop 17A

June 22, 2024 to June 28, 2024

Phage Discovery Workshop 17A

June 22, 2024 to June 28, 2024