Four letter SEA-PHAGES code: LOMA
Location: Los Angeles, CA USA
Website: http://www.lmu.edu/
Joined SEA-PHAGES: PHAGES Cohort 3 (started in 2010)
Buddy school: Brigham Young University
Term type: None
Total SEA-PHAGES sections taught: 1
Total SEA-PHAGES students: 7
SEA Faculty
Primary Faculty Contact
Associate Professor and Chair
SEA-PHAGES Faculty Members
No other faculty yet
Legal Contact
No legal contact entered yet.
Academic Terms
Fall 2014 ▼
Start: Aug 25, 2014, End: Dec 12, 2014
During the `14-15 academic year, the SEA-PHAGES project will be run as independent research project for 7 students who live in a "research-themed" living-learning community (LLC)
PHAGES Sections in this Term
Section 1
Primary Instructor: Carl Urbinati
Type: In situ (phage discovery/microbiology)
Hosts used: Mycobacterium smegmatis
Number of students: 7
Sophomores: 7
Meetings per week: 2
Hours per week: 5.0