The official website of the HHMI Science Education Alliance-Phage Hunters Advancing Genomics and Evolutionary Science program.

LeTourneau University

Four letter SEA-PHAGES code: LETO

Location: Longview, TX United States


Joined SEA-PHAGES: PHAGES Cohort 8 (started in 2015)

Buddy school: Ouachita Baptist University

Term type: None

Total SEA-PHAGES sections taught: 34

Total SEA-PHAGES students: 366

SEA Faculty

Primary Faculty Contact


LeTourneau University


Biology & Kinesiology

SEA-PHAGES Faculty Members

LeTourneau University

Assistant Professor

Biology and Kinesiology

Josh is a Cherokee Assistant Professor that grew up in the small town Weleetka, Oklahoma. He decided to go back to college after working construction a few years. He started his post-secondary education at Tulsa Community College and enjoyed biology so much he decided to major in it. He received his BS in biological sciences from Oklahoma State University in Stillwater with a minor in microbiology. While in Stillwater, he worked in two Botany labs as an undergraduate researcher and was awarded the Bridge to the Doctorate Fellowship. He enjoyed plant genetics so much that he decided to pursue a MS in Botany. While fulfilling the MS requirements, he was active in OK-LSAMP (Oklahoma Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation), helped charter the SACNAS (Society for Advancement Chicanos/Hispanics and Native Americans in Science) chapter, and was awarded the National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship. He decided to focus his PhD research on airborne fungi, as he has always been interested in the microscopic world. He served at Tabor College in Kansas for four years, having chaired the science and mathematics department for two of the years. He is currently a faculty in biology at LeTourneau University and has been active in both the discovery and bioinformatics portions of the SEA-Phage program.

Legal Contact

Wayne Jacobs

Academic Terms

Fall Semester 2023

Start: Aug 21, 2023, End: Dec 01, 2023

PHAGES Sections in this Term

Spring Semester 2023

Start: Jan 09, 2023, End: Apr 28, 2023

PHAGES Sections in this Term

Fall Semester 2022

Start: Aug 22, 2022, End: Dec 08, 2022

PHAGES Sections in this Term

Spring Semester 2022

Start: Jan 10, 2022, End: Apr 29, 2022

PHAGES Sections in this Term

Fall Semester 2021

Start: Aug 16, 2021, End: Nov 23, 2021

PHAGES Sections in this Term

Spring 2020

Start: Jan 13, 2020, End: May 09, 2020

PHAGES Sections in this Term

Fall 2109

Start: Aug 26, 2019, End: Dec 14, 2019

PHAGES Sections in this Term

Spring 2019

Start: Dec 10, 2018, End: May 09, 2019

PHAGES Sections in this Term

Fall 2018

Start: Aug 06, 2018, End: Dec 07, 2018

PHAGES Sections in this Term

Spring 2018

Start: Jan 08, 2018, End: May 05, 2018

PHAGES Sections in this Term

Fall Semester 2017

Start: Aug 21, 2017, End: Dec 08, 2017

PHAGES Sections in this Term

Spring Semester 2017

Start: Jan 09, 2017, End: May 06, 2017

PHAGES Sections in this Term

Fall Semester 2016

Start: Aug 29, 2016, End: Dec 02, 2016

PHAGES Sections in this Term

Spring Semester 2016

Start: Jan 18, 2016, End: May 06, 2016

PHAGES Sections in this Term

Fall Semester 2015

Start: Aug 17, 2015, End: Dec 11, 2015

PHAGES Sections in this Term

Institution Addresses

Current Mailing Address

Dr. Greg Frederick

LeTourneau University

2100 Mobberly Avenue

Department of Biology

Longview, TX 75602


No Current Shipping Address

Current Events

Phage Discovery Workshop 17B

July 13, 2024 to July 19, 2024

2024 Phage Discovery Workshop 17B

July 13, 2024 to July 19, 2024

Upcoming Events

2024 Phage Genomics Workshop

December 9, 2024 to December 13, 2024

2025 SEA Symposium

April 25, 2025 to April 27, 2025

2025 SEA Faculty Meeting

June 6, 2025 to June 9, 2024

Recent Events

2024 Phage Discovery Workshop 17A

June 22, 2024 to June 28, 2024

Phage Discovery Workshop 17A

June 22, 2024 to June 28, 2024