The official website of the HHMI Science Education Alliance-Phage Hunters Advancing Genomics and Evolutionary Science program.

Hampton University

Four letter SEA-PHAGES code: HMTN

Location: Hampton, VA USA


Joined SEA-PHAGES: PHAGES Cohort 12 (started in 2019)

Buddy school: College of William & Mary

Term type: None

Total SEA-PHAGES sections taught: 1

Total SEA-PHAGES students: 2

Rich in history, steeped in tradition, Hampton University is a dynamic, progressive institution of higher education, providing a broad range of technical, liberal arts, and graduate degree programs. In addition to being one of the top historically black universities in the world, Hampton University is a tightly-knit community of learners and educators, representing 49 states and 35 territories and nations. The Department of Biological Sciences' principal objective of our Departmental program is to incorporate the instructional and research expertise of our faculty to provide a scholarly atmosphere where students are exposed to a variety of ways to define, analyze, question and solve scientific research problems.

SEA Faculty

Primary Faculty Contact


Hampton University

Assistant Professor

Biological Sciences

Dr. Indu Sharma is a microbiologist/biotechnologist with extensive training in molecular microbiology and parasitology. She is particularly interested in host-microbial interactions and functional characterizations of novel environmental microbial isolates. Her research methods often make use of next-generation sequencing in addition to traditional microbiological and cell biology laboratory techniques. Her research interests include but not limited to understanding the ecological benefit of having specific bacterial cell shape, horizontal gene transfer, and temperate bacteriophages from environmental isolates. She is passionate about providing authentic research experience to undergraduate minority students to pursue a career in the STEM field.

SEA-PHAGES Faculty Members

Hampton University

Assistant Professor

Biological Science

Dr. Shawn T. Dash is an Assistant Biologist at within the Department of Biology at Hampton University. He is noted for the passion he brings to the classroom exciting students about the natural world and involving them in his research. Dr. Dash teaches a variety of courses including introductory courses, zoology, research design, as well as specialty courses on medical entomology, toxic and venomous animals, conservation biology as well as a field-based biodiversity class focused on the greater Chesapeake Bay watershed. Dr. Dash is deeply invested in documenting and understanding regional biodiversity. He has focused on a number of taxa including recently focusing on microorganisms such as viruses and bacteria.

Legal Contact

Atty. Faye Hardy-Lucas

Office of the General Counsel
Hampton University
Hampton, VA 23668

Academic Terms

Fall 2019

Start: Sep 09, 2019, End: Dec 06, 2019

PHAGES Sections in this Term

Institution Addresses

Current Mailing Address

Shawn T Dash

Hampton University

3 Shore Drive,

Hampton, VA 23668

United States

Current Shipping Address

Shawn T Dash

Hampton University

3 Shore Drive,

Hampton, VA 23668

United States

Upcoming Events

2024 Phage Genomics Workshop

December 9, 2024 to December 13, 2024

2025 SEA Symposium

April 25, 2025 to April 27, 2025

2025 SEA Faculty Meeting

June 6, 2025 to June 9, 2024

Recent Events

2024 Phage Discovery Workshop 17B

July 13, 2024 to July 19, 2024

Phage Discovery Workshop 17B

July 13, 2024 to July 19, 2024