The official website of the HHMI Science Education Alliance-Phage Hunters Advancing Genomics and Evolutionary Science program.

Chatham University

Four letter SEA-PHAGES code: CHAT

Location: Pittsburgh, PA USA


Joined SEA-PHAGES: PHAGES Cohort 15 (started in 2022)

Buddy school:

Term type: None

Total SEA-PHAGES sections taught: 18

Total SEA-PHAGES students: 265

Founded in 1869, Chatham University in Pittsburgh, PA has an enrollment of over 2,200 students and over 60 undergraduate and graduate programs. Chatham prepares its students to build lives of purpose, value, and fulfilling work. Through professional skill development and liberal arts learning, Chatham prepares its graduates to be informed and engaged citizens in their communities; to recognize and respect diversity of culture, identity, and opinion; and to live sustainably. To this end, our work in and out of the classroom prizes our core values of sustainability; women's leadership and gender equity; community engagement; and diversity and inclusion.

SEA Faculty

Primary Faculty Contact

Chatham University

Senior Lecturer/Lab Manager

SEA-PHAGES Faculty Members

Chatham University

Legal Contact

Walter Fowler
Vice President of Finance & Administration

Phone : (412) 365-1105
Email :

Academic Terms

Fall 2023

Start: Aug 28, 2023, End: Dec 15, 2023

PHAGES Sections in this Term

Spring 2023

Start: Jan 04, 2023, End: Apr 21, 2023

PHAGES Sections in this Term

No sections entered for this term yet

Spring 2023

Start: Jan 04, 2023, End: Apr 21, 2023

PHAGES Sections in this Term

Fall 2022

Start: Aug 29, 2022, End: Dec 16, 2022

PHAGES Sections in this Term

Institution Addresses

Current Mailing Address

Colleen Barrett

Chatham University

Woodland Rd

Buhl Hall

Pittsburgh, PA 15232

United States

Current Shipping Address

Colleen Barrett

Chatham University

Woodland Rd

Buhl Hall

Pittsburgh, PA 15232

United States

Upcoming Events

2024 Phage Genomics Workshop

December 9, 2024 to December 13, 2024

2025 SEA Symposium

April 25, 2025 to April 27, 2025

2025 SEA Faculty Meeting

June 6, 2025 to June 9, 2024

Recent Events

2024 Phage Discovery Workshop 17B

July 13, 2024 to July 19, 2024

Phage Discovery Workshop 17B

July 13, 2024 to July 19, 2024