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All posts created by rlb6

| posted 09 Apr, 2018 14:24
Although the group annotating the Bibwit genome has not seen other supporting data, there is synteny with the tail assembly chaperones (genes 31 and 32) annotated in Gordonia phage Sitar. I do not see that a frameshift has been identified for Sitar_32. Should we propose a frameshift or hold off and wait for other evidence that may be pending for Sitar?
Beckie Bortz
Edited 25 Apr, 2018 22:11
Posted in: Cluster DE Annotation TipsTail assembly chaperones
| posted 04 Oct, 2017 14:17
Kiko_draft_36 BLAST data (attached) shows strong hits to FIC family protein in many bacteria. HHpred also hits FIC protein/domain as well as many other things (attached). What do you think is the appropriate functional call? I have also attached the product sequence if you want to take it to HHpred yourself to see the full data.
Beckie Bortz
Edited 04 Oct, 2017 14:22
Posted in: Functional Annotationtranscriptional regulator or toxin-antitoxin