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Viknesh Sivanathan posted in Recording Data for Attempts to Raise Lysogens
Debbie Jacobs-Sera posted in when Glimmer and Genemark call genes in different strands
Debbie Jacobs-Sera posted in when Glimmer and Genemark call genes in different strands
JustinA posted in Recording Data for Attempts to Raise Lysogens
lisabono posted in when Glimmer and Genemark call genes in different strands
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Link to this post | posted yesterday, 18:15 | |
Our section of SEA-PHAGES is annotating PrairieDogTown in Cluster FO. We noticed that PrairieDogTown (FO) has 82 predicted features, while the rest of the phages in FO has 52-54 features. When we dug into this a bit, we realized that the discrepancy in the number of features appears to be a difference in the number of reverses. PrairieDogTown has ~27 reverse genes while JanetJ and Aoka have 3-5. The rest of the phage in the cluster are still draft genomes. Anyone have any ideas about why we would be seeing such a large discrepancy in the number of reverses? Is there a technical reason why more reverses would be detected? Thanks! Note that there's no Cluster FO specific topic, so I'm posting in F. |