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All posts created by anthony2
Link to this post | posted 16 Dec, 2015 17:53 | |
Nick, Thanks for the link. I managed to find these instructions eventually, I probably should have posted that. I'm not sure if starterator is used in the seaphages laboratory but since it was on the VM I went ahead and installed that as well. It should probably be mentioned that some of the code does not necessarily play well with newer versions of some python packages. I submitted a patch for a few updates to get it to run on the latest Ubuntu with latests packages. (There are other bugs, but not related to my environment based on forum posts.) It might be worthwhile to publish the python and package versions so these tools can be run in a virtual environment. In addition, which of the tools (DNA Master, Phamerator, Newbler/454 assembler, Consed, AceUtil, Starterator) are actually used in the seaphages lab would be helpful information. |
Link to this post | posted 11 Dec, 2015 16:11 | |
Out of curiosity, is there a repository and software list somewhere I can install manually so I don't need to run an Ubuntu virtual machine on Ubuntu? |