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All posts created by BobHarms

| posted 05 Mar, 2020 16:37
Thanks Debbie,it certainly is interesting. The highly conserved nature of both pieces would indicate that the mutation happened very recently in this lineage or perhaps each piece does represent a functional domain of the protein.

Would the tail length provide a clue? Magel has a tail length very similar to it's relatives with a single, large tape measure gene.
Posted in: Cluster DJ Annotation TipsFrame-shift mutation splitting Tape Measure
| posted 04 Mar, 2020 17:07
Annotating phage Magel and there appears to be a 92-base deletion causing a frame-shift in the middle of Tape Measure. Aligns 100% with relatives Kerry, Tanis, Odesza except for this deletion. Both 'halves' of the gene have nearly 100% identity with Tape Measure.

Has anyone seen this before?
Any ideas on which ORF would be the functioning Tape Measure?

(I was going to post the phamerator screenshot, but for the life of me, can't get it copied into the post). If you pull up Magel in phamerator with the above phages, ORFs 30 & 31 are the ones in question.
Posted in: Cluster DJ Annotation TipsFrame-shift mutation splitting Tape Measure