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cdshaffer posted in Whole phage starterator reports
fbaliraine posted in Phage DoRead Start at 52714 bp with 8 bp overlap vs start at 52718 with 4 bp overlap?
Debbie Jacobs-Sera posted in Phage DoRead Start at 52714 bp with 8 bp overlap vs start at 52718 with 4 bp overlap?
Genemark Graphical Representation Q1
Link to this post | posted 10 Feb, 2016 18:56 | |
When running Genemark on one of our phages the output had a blackened triangle near the coding potential line. I'm sure we were probably told during the annotation training… but I've lost it. Can someone please tell me what this indicates? Thanks in advance. Greg (I think if you click the broken picture link it will open a shared image from dropbox.) |
Link to this post | posted 10 Feb, 2016 19:00 | |
(I think if you click the broken picture link it will open a shared image from dropbox.) If not, it's attached here. |
Link to this post | posted 11 Feb, 2016 22:18 | |
Greg, Though it is always helpful to know the whole context, I think you are asking about what GeneMark calls a possible frameshift. It has identified some sort of ribosomal slippage. Know that we do not call any frameshifts except for the programmed frameshift found in the tail assembly chaperones found upstream of the tape measure protein. Make sense? |