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Practice Annotation with PECAAN?
Link to this post | posted yesterday, 20:21 | |
Hi all - I am having the worst time getting DNA Master to work on the department computers I am using. I am having my students annotate some "known" genes from QuinnAvery as practice before we get into our genomes. Is it acceptable to upload a practice copy of a phage genome to PECAAN for use with my students? I plan to delete it after - this will just be so much easier for me than using DNA Master. Please advise! Thanks! |
Link to this post | posted yesterday, 21:34 | |
Hi Levi, When you enter your phage, give it an additional notation like, QuinnAvery_UDM. and yes, please delete when you are done. Department computers can be really good, because once they are set up, they are good to go! OR they can be problematic because IT wipes all machines clean every night. Please try to stick with that on your end (not as a class item), and get IT to see what needs to be done to get this working. It is worth the time. best, debbie |
Link to this post | posted yesterday, 23:24 | |
Thanks Debbie! I will try - hopefully I can get IT on this problem! |