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jdaft@leeuniversity.edu posted in Tail assembly chaperones
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Debbie Jacobs-Sera posted in when Glimmer and Genemark call genes in different strands
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PDM utils on a Mac M1
Link to this post | posted 07 Feb, 2024 01:10 | |
Hi all, If you are looking how to instal PDM utils on a M1 mac, you can follow this: On a series of MacBook Pro computers, including most recently an M1 mac, I have only ever done native installs of pdm_utils. The hardest part for me is MySQL – use an installer for 8.0.18 or later (earlier versions had funky bugs related to cascaded deletes!). Choose “Legacy Password” when prompted, and you’ll be forced to choose an 8-character or longer password (no more ‘phage’). Make sure you add mysql to the $PATH (export PATH=’/usr/local/mysql/bin:$PATH’) in your ~/.zshrc file. Other than that, if you use some flavor of conda to manage the third-party dependencies (Aragorn, trnascan-se, mmseqs2, blast) pdm_utils should be just fine. –Christian Gauthier |
Link to this post | posted 09 Feb, 2024 16:32 | |
there is one more important difference in the installation for Arm based mac's. once you get mysql installed and are setting up conda { see here } you need to change the conda create command by adding some bits at the beginning. So you want to change the create command from to
Then activate the conda environment the first time add this second command:
You should only have to run the "conda env config…." line one time to set things up. From then on you can just use and as outlined in the instructions.