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Debbie Jacobs-Sera posted in Critical Update: Installing New Copies of DNA Master or Updating Old Versions of DNA Master prior to Version 2701
eagodin posted in Critical Update: Installing New Copies of DNA Master or Updating Old Versions of DNA Master prior to Version 2701
Debbie Jacobs-Sera posted in Critical Update: Installing New Copies of DNA Master or Updating Old Versions of DNA Master prior to Version 2701
Kristen Butela posted in Critical Update: Installing New Copies of DNA Master or Updating Old Versions of DNA Master prior to Version 2701
eagodin posted in Critical Update: Installing New Copies of DNA Master or Updating Old Versions of DNA Master prior to Version 2701
two endolysins
Link to this post | posted 15 Mar, 2022 22:37 | |
Cluster BE have two genes which have been annotated as "endolysin". See the phams for Cross_40 and Cross 40 and Cross 44. I am linking to the proteins in case pham numbers change, currently 98222 and 98787 The first pham has genes ~500 bp long with some endolysin annotations and some hydrolases and all members are in the BE cluster. The latter pham has genes in the ~1000 base range also with "endolysin" as well as "LysM-like peptidoglycan binding protein" and variants. It is quite a bit larger group that spans multiple streptomyces clusters, as well as cluster AS. Most BE phage have both these proteins and currently annotate one as "endolysin" and the other as something else. On close inspection by HHPRED the Cross 44 group has the more typical "Lysin A structure" with two domains. In this case there is an N-terminal domain of 150 amino acids with high quality HHRED hits to "N-acetylmuramoyl-L-alanine amidase" (e.g. crystal 6SSC) and C-terminal domains with high quality HHPRED hits to transglycosylases and "lysozyme". Cross 40 and its members also have High quality hits which probably explain the "endolysin" annotations. In particular a very good hit to the C-terminal region to the peptidoglycan hydrolase domain of a M tuberculosis resuscitation protein RfpB, as well as another alignment to the 6TAB crystal termed a "lysozyme". Both of these proteins are glycosyltransferase of one type or another. I would suggest that given its structure and distribution across multiple clusters that the larger Cross 44 like proteins be called "endolysin", for the other an annotation of "glycosyltransferase" might be best, or a second "endolysin" could also be considered. |