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cdshaffer posted in Whole phage starterator reports
fbaliraine posted in Phage DoRead Start at 52714 bp with 8 bp overlap vs start at 52718 with 4 bp overlap?
Debbie Jacobs-Sera posted in Phage DoRead Start at 52714 bp with 8 bp overlap vs start at 52718 with 4 bp overlap?
Error flushing tables
Link to this post | posted 25 Jul, 2021 15:52 | |
Hi, I am trying to generate a flat file and submission file for phage Colbster. The files looks fine in DNA Master, but after entering the Genbank Submission information I can't "process" the file. It generates a GBS file and says "Save GBS before closing?", in the Events tab the error says "Error flushing table". I was able to generate files for my other 4 genomes and I tried turning everything off then on again. How can I fix this error to generate the files? Thanks, Susan |
Link to this post | posted 25 Jul, 2021 16:39 | |
Hi Susan, You will likely have to delete the project and start again. Does DNA master let you do that? debbie |