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cdshaffer posted in Whole phage starterator reports
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BLAST won't save
Link to this post | posted 24 May, 2021 13:49 | |
So this is a new one. I'm BLASTing a whole genome (Filch, cluster E) through DNAMaster in order to QC it. I've done it four times now, and every time, it completes (overnight BLAST), but when I go to save it under a new name, when I open the new file all of the BLAST data is gone. This has happened on two different PCs, regardless of whether or not I recreate the documentation after BLASTing. Right now, I'm simply not closing the BLASTed file on my laptop, and working on an unBLASTed version on my desktop to QC! Has anyone else encountered this? I'm running the most recent update of DNAMaster (on both machines): Version 5.23.6, Build 2700, May 11 2021 Thanks! Nikki |
Link to this post | posted 24 May, 2021 14:13 | |
Nikki, I have not encountered that. Here are some thoughts about it. what is the size of the blasted file. Is it the size of a blasted or unblasted file (meaning is it 50kb or 250 kb-ish?) If it is bigger, then the blast date is there. I am guessing that if you unpack and repack the .dnam5 file, it will 'appear". https://seaphagesbioinformatics.helpdocsonline.com/article-104 what you will have do differently is go into the blast folder to make sure you have all the files. Not sure it is the problem, but worth looking in to. debbie |
Link to this post | posted 24 May, 2021 21:53 | |
Thanks, Debbie! That was the issue. Interestingly, I wasn't missing any of the files in the Blast folder, it was mostly .VAL files in the Blank Genome folder. I guess somewhere it got corrupted (either before or after I tried to BLAST it). Hurray! Nikki |
Link to this post | posted 25 May, 2021 16:58 | |
Hurray! |