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Cluster BI - Thymidylate kinase
Link to this post | posted 12 May, 2019 01:09 | |
I am reviewing a BI1 and have a another call that I am planning on deleting, thymidylate kinase. The call has been made based on a blast hit to several other phages, but I can't find any other evidence that it really is thymidylate kinase. If this were one of our phages, I would call it NKF for sure, but wanted to get a second opinion since it is the first one I am reviewing externally. Three members of pham 44619 (https://phagesdb.org/phams/44619/) have the call, the rest don't. The results for the gene are here https://toolkit.tuebingen.mpg.de/#/jobs/Esketit_73a and https://toolkit.tuebingen.mpg.de/#/jobs/Esketit_73b. No hint of a hit other than by blast - https://blast.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/Blast.cgi?CMD=Get&RID=DEW588MA015. I think they are questionable hits. But the approved functions list uses Erdmann_94 as the example of the call, which is pham 46029 - https://phagesdb.org/phams/46029/, and has been changed to thymidylate synthase and is mostly filled with ThyX, etc. Upshot is, I think the kinase call wrong. Thoughts? Steve |
Link to this post | posted 13 May, 2019 16:27 | |
sounds like the kinase call is wrong. Thanks Steve. |