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Help with WINE
Link to this post | posted 07 Dec, 2018 23:40 | |
Trying to set up DNA Master on Wine for the upcoming Bioinformatics workshop and after I hit auto annotate I only get one sequence in the features tab of the Extracted from FASTA Library Shubert.FASTA window. Please help. |
Link to this post | posted 08 Dec, 2018 00:45 | |
Hi. Do you only get one feature? There is only 1 sequence for each fasta. I can't tell what you mean. Could you post or send me the file? djs@pitt.edu |
Link to this post | posted 08 Dec, 2018 00:54 | |
In the pane that lists all of the ORFs etc there is only one thing listed. I should have taken a picture. |
Link to this post | posted 08 Dec, 2018 03:00 | |
Hi. Instead of using WINE on your Mac, you might want to follow our new directions to get a Windows virtual machine set up (free) and install DNA Master on that. The "Operating System" section on the page below contains a link to the guide for getting the Windows virtual machine, and then the Installation section contains the info for how to install DNA Master. https://phagesdb.org/DNAMaster/ Good luck, –Dan |
Link to this post | posted 08 Dec, 2018 03:48 | |
Thanks I will try tomorrow. |
Link to this post | posted 24 Jan, 2019 19:53 | |
I have a student who is trying to install the virtual box but she gets an installation fail when she does that. Any idea of why that is the case. She is installing Virtual Box 6.0.2 |
Link to this post | posted 10 Jan, 2020 17:45 | |
Just a heads up…it appears that the WINE option is not compatible with the newest Mac OS (Catalina). We had several students attempt to run DnaMaster through WINE and the only difference we could see between those who were successful and those who were not was in which operating system they were running. We have those students attempting to follow the virtual machine instructions so I am hopeful we will still get everyone up and running but I wanted to provide a warning for those who have not started the semester yet so they can be prepared. |
Link to this post | posted 23 Jan, 2020 19:08 | |
Hi all, we also ran into the problem of not being able to install DNAMaster on Macs running the newest Mac OS (Catalina). Did you have any luck with getting it installed using the virtual box? Some of our students also have a ChromeBook, which is also giving us some difficulty. Any suggestions would be appreciated! |
Link to this post | posted 24 Jan, 2020 15:20 | |
I think Chromebooks are a non-starter as far as DNA Master is concerned, but you can always pair a Chromebook user (who can still access Phamerator, GeneMark, PECAAN, etc.) with another student who has functional DNA Master. I've been successfully using DNA Master on a Windows 10 virtual machine for a while now, following the instructions here. –Dan |
Link to this post | posted 29 Jan, 2020 20:34 | |
We installed the virula machine and windows10 on a new Macbook Air and the window size (screen) is very small when you launch the VM. How do you change the size to make it bigger. The MAC controls the OS screen, not the VM screen. Thank you
RS Pollenz