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cdshaffer posted in Whole phage starterator reports
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Replication initiator protein A
Link to this post | posted 02 Jun, 2018 17:36 | |
I have seen good HHpred matches to this protein in a number of phages. In Gordonia phage TimTam and Eviarto, I see a nice match with 97.2% probability and 36% coverage. Here's the definition This entry represents the N-terminal domain of a small family of phage proteins. The protein contains a region of low-complexity sequence that reflects DNA direct repeats able to function as an origin of phage replication. The region is N-terminal to the low-complexity region. Can call eitehr N-terminal phage replisome organiser or Replication initiator protein A But can also go with more generic HTH DNA Binding domain protein |
Link to this post | posted 02 Jun, 2018 17:38 | |
PS In both Gordonia phages Eviarto and TimTam, this gene is followed by the replisome organizer (helicase loader/inhibitor protein) so that function should also be added to the list |
Link to this post | posted 04 Jun, 2018 12:52 | |
Is this the same as RepA? I think we have that already. IF not, how is it different? |
Link to this post | posted 04 Jun, 2018 17:42 | |
So the HHPred match with a link to a pdb file does give me repA https://www.rcsb.org/structure/4PT7 the short gene that follows also has nice matches to Bacillus subtilis replisome organizer so this protein may be coded by two genes but I will just call function for the first gene! |