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cdshaffer posted in Whole phage starterator reports
fbaliraine posted in Phage DoRead Start at 52714 bp with 8 bp overlap vs start at 52718 with 4 bp overlap?
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Access violation...
Link to this post | posted 09 Jan, 2018 03:45 | |
I've been trying to open my new phage sequences in DNA Master. I have three sequences - one of them opened normally and I was able to save a DNAM file. But I can't get the other two to work - I keep getting an error message that says Access violation at address … (see the attachment). Does anyone know what this means, and more importantly, how to fix it? |
Link to this post | posted 09 Jan, 2018 18:06 | |
If you are getting the access violation when trying to auto-annotate check out the DNA Master troubleshooting guide here: http://phagesdb.org/DNAMaster/faq/ If it is happening somewhere else, could you give more details on exactly which steps you are taking and what you did just before the got the error. |
Link to this post | posted 09 Jan, 2018 18:44 | |
The error is happening much earlier, and is inconsistent. I have gotten it when I'm just trying to open the fasta file (so at the Open FastA multiple sequence file) point. Sometimes I manage to open the file, but when I try to Export it to "Create sequence from this entry only" I get the error message. Then DNA master crashes and I often have to force-quit. I'm working on a Mac, if that matters. And this problem is happening on both the Macs in my office and at home, both of which worked last year. |
Link to this post | posted 09 Jan, 2018 23:20 | |
More information: I have tried opening 3 different C1 cluster phage files, and gotten the access violation message every time. I have tried opening 3 different non-C1 cluster phage files, and it's worked every time. I uninstalled wine and DNA master, reinstalled, updated, and tried again. Still no dice. I've tried opening the C1 cluster file on 3 different Macs, and failed each time. But I was able to open the file and create the /dnam file on the one PC that I have access to. So it appears to be a Mac-specific, longer sequence-specifc error? |
Link to this post | posted 10 Jan, 2018 19:58 | |
Yes, I think you are correct. I have found DNA Master to be a bit finicky. I had one student last semester with a mac and we were never able to get it to run successfully even though it was running just fine on all the other macs in the class. Like you, we tried deleting everything and reinstall several times with no luck, it just never worked on that one mac. I tried to replicate your issue on my mac and was able to import and auto-annotate a C phage, so like my one student you are probably doing everything correctly and it is just something with the macs you are using. The only suggestions I have, give that the issue only appears with larger genomes, would be to try macs with more memory, it's a long shot but might work. |