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Problem installing DNA Master on Windows 10
Link to this post | posted 18 Jan, 2017 03:29 | |
One of my students is having problems installing DNA Master on her Windows 10 computer. When she tries to run the program, she always gets a screen where she can either repair, modify, or remove the program. She has tried selecting either repair or modify, but it doesn't seem to do anything, and she can't get to the program. She took her computer to our computer support people, who simply said that her computer isn't compatible with the program, but that doesn't make sense to me. Any suggestions? |
Link to this post | posted 19 Jan, 2017 15:45 | |
One of my students is having the same issue. Her computer is a Windows Surface Pro 4, running Windows 10. It is her personal machine, not a university computer. I hope we figure this out soon! |
Link to this post | posted 19 Jan, 2017 20:48 | |
A bunch of my students were having this same issue. They trashed the file they'd downloaded, uninstalled what they had on there, and then downloaded DNA Master from a link at the end of the paragraph of the first link they clicked on to download DNA Master (I hope this makes sense!). For others (including me), downloading the file onto the desktop and then installing from there fixed the problem. |
Link to this post | posted 20 Jan, 2017 18:21 | |
DNA Master runs just fine on Windows 10. It sounds like you are all running/rerunning the installer program, rather than actually running the DNA Master program. The installer is called dna master.exe while the actual program is DNAMas.exe (note the difference in capitalization and spelling). After you install, the actual program file will be found in the directory C:\Program Files(x86)\DNA Master. Make sure you launch the program by right clicking on the icon and selecting "run as administrator". Please let me know if that is not your case—and Miriam, I can't figure out your comment about the link at the end of the paragraph and the Desktop. But I am glad your is working. Best, Welkin |
Link to this post | posted 20 Jan, 2017 20:20 | |
Hi Welkin, In the attached screen shot, I circled in black the link that downloads the uninstaller, and in red the one that downloads the actual program. It's possible that both download the program but for some reason the first link leads to the uninstaller to be selected. Now that I think about it, it's possible that when I downloaded the DNA Master file to the desktop, I was able to see and select the correct program file as opposed to clicking on the wrong file in the Download folder, but I'm not sure about that. Or maybe I'm just way off base! ![]() |
Link to this post | posted 20 Jan, 2017 23:40 | |
Hi Miriam, the red link is for his slipstream update for older versions of the program. The black link is the only link you should need. I am surprised that your program is running correctly if the executable is on your desktop. It needs to be physically located within in the DNA Master folder in the program files directory. This is why your student's version thinks it needs to download a bunch of supporting files via FTP— it is not in the right directory and it can't find its supporting files and databases. |
Link to this post | posted 23 Jan, 2017 15:41 | |
We are downloading the entire package to the desktop, within a folder named DNA Master (sorry if that wasn't clear). The programs gets caught in an endless uninstall loop once students unzip the file. I fixed it by downloading the Zip file to the folder on the desktop but this didn't work for everyone. Others downloaded from the red link and that seemed to resolve the problem. Anyway, I will make sure those having issues are clicking on the executable file… Welkin Pope |
Link to this post | posted 01 Feb, 2017 15:43 | |
I have multiple students that have attempted to download DNA master to their laptops running Windows 10 and they are all having issues getting the program to work. I have not sat down to examine each individuals problem, but one student sent me the following screen shoot that she got after she attempted an autoannotation. is there something wrong with her install of the program or her settings? Any help anyone can provide would be great! |
Link to this post | posted 01 Feb, 2017 18:01 | |
From the shot I couldn't tell if you got any features at all. Did you? (When I try auto-annotation, all I get is a couple of tRNAs…![]() |
Link to this post | posted 22 Jan, 2018 23:01 | |
Is the link on the http://cobamide2.bio.pitt.edu/computer.htm working? We are having difficulty today getting an updated version that will auto-annotate. We have tried the slip stream file and it still does not work. Last week we were not having this issue. Thanks! |