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Debbie Jacobs-Sera posted in Called Gene not a Gene
Wabush posted in Called Gene not a Gene
fbaliraine posted in Another minor tail protein in F1 phage DoRead?
Debbie Jacobs-Sera posted in Another minor tail protein in F1 phage DoRead?
fbaliraine posted in Another minor tail protein in F1 phage DoRead?
DNA Master Failing to Update - 01.23.2020
Link to this post | posted 23 Jan, 2020 15:13 | |
Is anyone else having difficulty updating DNA Master this morning? It's 9:08AM CST and over half our lab computers (all of which have updated fine previously) are not able to progress beyond 67% in the update. Anybody else? |
Link to this post | posted 23 Jan, 2020 17:01 | |
Greg, It is 11:59am on January 23 and I was able to update with no problem. The latest update is version 5.23.3, Build2640, 22 January 2020. Are you still having problems with the update? |
Link to this post | posted 23 Jan, 2020 21:17 | |
The server (or our network) apparently came back online shortly after class ended at 10:30am CST. It may have been our network. Who knows. Since we are still in "training mode" we just had the students huddle around those computers which would update. Thanks for the response. gf |
Link to this post | posted 28 Feb, 2022 23:13 | |
Hi All, 2/28/22 and I am having a very similar problem. Doesn't look like this issue was resolved earlier. Anyone else unable to update DNAmaster? I am currently running Version 5.22.5 Build 2356. HELP then UPDATE DNA MASTER launches, but ultimately returns a "DNA MASTER failed to update" message. Thanks anyone who can spot a fix! |
Link to this post | posted 01 Mar, 2022 17:20 | |
The first thing to try is confirm that the preferences are set correctly. See this page on the bioinformatics guide: https://seaphagesbioinformatics.helpdocsonline.com/article-66 There are settings which worked in the past but will now cause the connection to fail. I had issues with updates on my old install until I double checked and changed a few preferences. |
Link to this post | posted 01 Mar, 2022 17:40 | |
And the second thing to so do is to make sure you are running as Adminisitrator when you update. best, debbie |