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Function field
Link to this post | posted 26 May, 2021 19:02 | |
Hello - I cannot find information on how to have the Function field auto-populate? I do not recall in the past needing to add that information individually for every gene with a function. But is that what needs to be done? Thank you. Joe |
Link to this post | posted 26 May, 2021 21:34 | |
Joe, We do not use function field. We record function in the product field and you can auto-populate the fields of your choice by using the arrow that is in the upper right corner of each field. Make sense? debbie |
Link to this post | posted 26 May, 2021 23:45 | |
Hi Deb - Well, I am setting up my Complete Notes and Minimal dnam5 files. In my review of past years Complete Notes files I see that field DOES show gene product functions. Further, the images on the Bioinformatics guide, walking us though the conversion of the Complete Notes to the Minimal files also shows information in that field. But I will follow the instructions without any info in the Function field. Thanks, Joe |
Link to this post | posted 27 May, 2021 00:18 | |
Hi Joe, Sorry, that is my fault. I didn't mean to make it confusing. I was thinking about the minimal file and you are talking about the complete notes file. The rationale for using is the function field is so that the product field can be deleted and then re-populated from the function field. I hope that makes sense. debbie |
Link to this post | posted 30 Apr, 2023 16:06 | |
I have a similar issue/question. In preparing the final file for submission, the function field is blank from the beginning. Therefore, when I go to prepare the minimal file, there is nothing to copy and paste and then delete. Also, as Joe commented, I don't remember inserting the functions one by one and then moving them according to the final file instructions. Am I missing something? Do I leave it blank? Thanks for your help! - Katie |
Link to this post | posted 30 Apr, 2023 16:18 | |
Hi Katie - Before you go through the process of generating the minimal file from a larger, working file - you do need to add a gene function in the function fields for those that you have identified. Then just walk through the conversion process and all should be fine. Joe |
Link to this post | posted 01 May, 2023 12:56 | |
Joe and Katie, I am not following this, so I am going to restate. Some people use the function field as a holding area when working in DNA Master. The final minimal file should have nothing in the function field. (All functions are recorded in the Product filed.) In fact, it is good to use the "clear all" buttons in DNA Master to be sure there are no stray characters there. debbie |
Link to this post | posted 01 May, 2023 13:38 | |
Deb - The question is how to get a gene Function in the Product field in the final minimal file. The process of converting some form of complete notes file into a minimal file - and showing gene Functions in the Product field - requires that a gene Function be recorded in the original Function field of a larger working file. Then after the file conversion process those Functions will be found in the Product field (and nothing will be in the Function fields) and any gene without a Function will get the Hypothetical Protein label. As Katie wrote - if you do NOT have any info in the Functions field before working through the Complete Notes file-to Minimal File conversion process, no Functions will be copied and recorded into the Product field in the minimal file, and I think all will get labeled as Hypothetical Protein. Alternatively you can simply add the correct Function to the Product field in the minimal file. Hope this is now clear. Joe |
Link to this post | posted 01 May, 2023 13:57 | |
Thanks Joe and Debbie. Yes, originally, we did not record any functions in the function fields via the Description tab. I like students to keep all that in an Excel file. However, I added it in manually and then moved it and cleared the fields as noted in directions of preparing the minimal file for final submission. Thanks! I just couldn't remember if I added the function in the description tab in the past one by one. For some reason, I thought it populated from the BLAST and was lost for a second of how to get them added before moving them. But, Joe cleared it up yesterday…Thanks again! |
Link to this post | posted 01 May, 2023 17:45 | |
Thanks! |