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phage replisome organizer found in Cluster T; add to Master List?
Link to this post | posted 21 Mar, 2017 13:49 | |
New Functions found in our annotation of Nairb (Cluster T) ORF 1 Start 89 Stop 325 FWD Phosphomannomutase Blastp NCBI, e=2e-10, Paenibacillus phage Vegas gp80 This protein is found in some Mycobacterium species but the function had not previously been identified. ORF 48 Start 35954 STop 36469 FWD Replisome organizer and helicase loader/inhibitor, HHPred, e=2e-08, p=98.74, Bacillus phage SPP1 Our DNAMaster file, with all notes, is attached. Are these acceptable addition to the Master Function List? |
Link to this post | posted 11 Jun, 2018 14:04 | |
New Function Proposal ORF 84 of Renaud18 has the following HHPRed match: replisome organizer (helicase loader/inhibitor protein) PDB DOI: 10.2210/pdb1NO1/pdb Bacillus phage SPP1, coverage 96.7% probability 98% No matches found in BLASTp searches. |
Link to this post | posted 11 Jun, 2018 19:02 | |
can you give more information about how exactly a replisome organizer is different from the other functions that we have on the official list that are involved in replication? |
Link to this post | posted 02 May, 2021 21:32 | |
I also found a N-terminal phage replisome organiser in the Hortense phage CZ4 subcluster. I do not see this on the list? What function on the approved list does it map to? |
Link to this post | posted 03 May, 2021 12:56 | |
Hi, I would use this terminology: RepA-like replication initiator What do you think? debbie |
Link to this post | posted 03 May, 2021 13:14 | |
Thank you, that sounds like a good suggestion. |
Link to this post | posted 26 May, 2021 14:52 | |
In addition to the above RepA-like replication initiator I have a second "replisome organizer" in Samman98 (CZ4) (immediately downstream of RepA-like replication initiator). gp70 in DNAM file, gene 71 in PECAAN. Strong HHpred hit to "replisome organizer; helical bipartite natively unfolded domain, replication; HET: MSE; 2.4A {Bacillus phage SPP1} SCOP: a.179.1.1, l.1.1.1" 98.8% prob/49.3% coverage (PDB 1NO1_C). Also 99% probability/45% coverage hit to Pfam "Inhibitor_G39P ; Loader and inhibitor of phage G40P" (PF11417.9). Suggestions for function? Roy |