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Link to Baylor box
Link to this post | posted 04 Aug, 2018 15:04 | |
I have a student trying to install DNAMaster on her Mac. I sent her the most recent link I had to the Baylor box but that box appears to be empty… What am I missing? Thx |
Link to this post | posted 05 Sep, 2018 22:40 | |
Hi Veronique, I just downloaded a new copy from this web site (https://baylor.app.box.com/v/DNAMasterMac). I had another Blob and had to re-install… Blobs!! argh ![]() Cheers Sally ![]() |
Link to this post | posted 16 Jan, 2019 12:57 | |
Hi Sally, this Mac version of DNA Master doesn't require XQuartz or Wine, right? Thanks. |
Link to this post | posted 31 Mar, 2020 21:57 | |
Hi all. The great COVID-19-diaspora of 2020 has revealed some student-errors. Apparently a number were relying solely on the computer lab PCs and never got DNA Master installed on their MacBooks. I helped those that came to me. But I have 3-4 who don't have it installed. QUESTION: Has anyone found a way to install the Wine DNA Master package on a Mac running the Catalina 10.15.x Mac OS? The DNA Master software acts like it is installing. An icon displays on the desktop. But once clicked, the DNA Master icon just bounces and does nothing more. Working remotely is making it difficult to troubleshoot. So I'm hoping you all have suggestions. Thanks. Greg |
Link to this post | posted 24 Jan, 2021 22:46 | |
Hello everyone. I am wondering if anyone has explored setting up a remote server for DNA Master for SEA-PHAGES schools. Could we run it remotely? From what I understand DNA Master (along with the wine solution for running it on Apples) is 32-bit code, so Mojave is unfortunately the end of the line. I have been told our only option is running it in Windows on a VM (like VBox or VMWare) but that option too disappears with the latest “Apple Silicon” Macs. I saw The instructions for using Virtual Box, but are there updates coming that I have not heard about? Thanks and Happy New Year! Tammy |
Link to this post | posted 25 Jan, 2021 18:04 | |
Hi Tammy, The short answer with respect to the lack of 32-bit support on macOS Mojave/Catalina/Big Sur, and the Apple silicon Macs, is that there's still a good deal of uncertainty. As you mentioned, for now, Wine does not work on Catalina, but the parent company (CodeWeavers) offers a paid tool (CrossOver) that works on Catalina (on Intel Macs) and Big Sur (on Apple silicon) and is documented as running 32-bit programs with no obvious degradation of performance. It's $40 so it's not a great option, but if it works it is at least an option. There is also a good chance that at some point this functionality makes its way into Wine, but I can't say with any certainty how soon that would happen. Virtualization tools like Parallels, VMWare, and VirtualBox should all allow DNA Master to work on Mojave or Catalina on Intel Macs, and will probably also soon work on Big Sur. The Apple Silicon question is a big one here - none of these companies have yet made any kind of commitments about what they will or won't do. All seem to be working on something for Apple silicon but to my knowledge there are no details about which operating systems or capabilities will be supported. All this to say - for everything except the Apple silicon Macs, there are solutions either known to work or likely to work. For the new Macs, we'll have to wait and see. -Christian |