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DNAMaster BLAST failure
Link to this post | posted 14 May, 2018 12:27 | |
Yea. I am using the SEAPHAGE connection in the same way that we have used all semester. A few weeks ago were able to BLAST ELESAR. I tried a couple of genomes on several computers and then asked my TA to try on her PC. She got the same errors. She was going to reinstall DNAMaster and try again. Are you able to BLAST within DNAMAster? |
Link to this post | posted 14 May, 2018 19:03 | |
just tried on my Win7 machine with the April 2018 update and a single BLAST search, that worked and was able to get results. Since it is peak hours I did not try a BLAST all. |
Link to this post | posted 14 May, 2018 20:43 | |
HMM. Thanks. I just tried a gene from Sonali and got the OLE 80040152 error. |
Link to this post | posted 15 May, 2018 14:21 | |
OK, I did a quick google search on that error. It appears to be a WINE error code not a DNA Master error code. So, I tried a search using DNA Master on my mac with WINE and I too got that same OLE 80040152 error. I suggest you repost your question in the Running DNA Master on a Mac using Wine thread there are a few people who post there regularly with lots of WINE experience that might have seen and solved this issue. |
Link to this post | posted 16 Jun, 2020 19:09 | |
I am having this error as well. Did you ever find out what caused it? |
Link to this post | posted 05 Jan, 2021 12:38 | |
I am running DMA Master in windows 10. Set it up all preferences according to latest instructions. I am able to autoannotate my genome. I ran the BLAST all genes overnight and it doesn't complete. DNA Master becomes unresponsive and the only way to get out is by ending it using task manager. This is the first time I am running DNA Master in windows 10 and it is a brand new laptop. Thank you Fernando |
Link to this post | posted 05 Jan, 2021 14:10 | |
Fernando, There are a lot of factors that impact how poorly Blast completes. It sounds like it just needs to have more time. I have waited longer than overnight to complete a blast. You can try blasting in sections. See this section of the guide. https://seaphagesbioinformatics.helpdocsonline.com/article-70 good luck! debbie |
Link to this post | posted 05 Jan, 2021 15:07 | |
Debbie Thank you, I will try that, and Happy New Year!!! F |
Link to this post | posted 25 Jan, 2021 02:37 | |
I'm having the same issue on 2 different PCs during off peak hours. I'm not getting a single return after an overnight run. |
Link to this post | posted 05 Aug, 2021 21:20 | |
I am getting this same error now, just like Tamarah's. Error (12) retrieving results for RID … I have a tiny genome with only 26 ORFs, but am using the Export (New SEA format) file export … I never go this with the regular export of CDS Full Annotations - should I use that export type instead? I followed the instructions exactly from here to transfer from PECAAN to DNAmaster: https://pitt.hosted.panopto.com/Panopto/Pages/Viewer.aspx?id=88be7083-c942-4e21-97f4-ac010116edae. This the 1st time I've used the "new" export file and the 1st time this has happened. Any advice? Use the other, not "new" format? Thanks! -VBK |