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Auto-annotation fix for fall 2017 and later
Link to this post | posted 21 Jan, 2020 15:27 | |
Nancy, Hi. Your preferences are not set correctly. The NCBI servers are not available to us anymore. Check Setting Preferences in the on-line Bioinformatics Guide, #2. Click the box and the password needed is Hatfull. You may want to check all of the preference settings while you are at it. debbie |
Link to this post | posted 21 Jan, 2020 23:15 | |
The picture you posted looks like you are running an old version of DNA Master. Mine version of that tab looks like the attached. You should double check that you have an up to date version of DNA Master. I just checked and it says: Version 5.23.3 build 2693 from 26 November 2019 which it reports is up to date. |
Link to this post | posted 21 Jan, 2020 23:30 | |
debbie Thanks Debbie, I will do just that (and thanks for getting back to me so quickly! Nancy |
Link to this post | posted 21 Jan, 2020 23:30 | |
debbie Thanks Debbie, I will do just that (and thanks for getting back to me so quickly! Nancy |
Link to this post | posted 21 Jan, 2020 23:31 | |
cdshaffer Thanks for your help Chris, Nancy |
Link to this post | posted 21 Jan, 2020 23:32 | |
Thanks to both of you for getting back to me. I will check the setting preferences and update the version of DNA master I have. Nancy |
Link to this post | posted 12 Feb, 2020 22:46 | |
Some of the students in my class that use Macs are having issues installing DNA Master. Is there any known compatibility issue with Catalina? It seems like the ones that are not having any issues are the ones who didn't upgrade to Catalina. Please let me know. |
Link to this post | posted 13 Feb, 2020 15:14 | |
grosasacostaHi German, if you mean running WINE on Catalina, yes there is an issue. See: https://seaphages.org/forums/topic/4830/?page=1#post-7638 But if you are running virtual box and a Windows 10 VM, there is no problem. |
Link to this post | posted 13 Feb, 2020 18:47 | |
Thank you so much, Welkin! I knew Catalina was going to bring issues, I guess that's what happens when you can't use WINE…![]() |
Link to this post | posted 03 Oct, 2020 15:46 | |
Hi All, We are having trouble doing the autoannotation in both of our sections of SEA PHAGES this semester. All students are running DNA Master in Windows (in virtual box on Macs). I was so excited last Tuesday when all my students except for 2 had successfully installed DNa Master on their computers (usually that's our sticking point). All students failed the autoannotation with Glimmer failures or overall autoannotation failure messages. We checked and double checked DNA Master was updated and their preferences to make sure that Gene Prediction tabs and security were set up as instructed in the 2017 DNA Master Fix document (and as instructed in the Bioinformatics Guid) and yes we know the password. I did note that every single student that struggled with autoanntoations had bought a brand new Mac before school started. When I tried setting up preferences on some of their computers, I failed to complete an autoannotation. Is anyone else having trouble with autoannotations? Best Sally |