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Problem installing DNA Master on Windows 10
Link to this post | posted 08 Jan, 2019 17:08 | |
Hi Rick, The "Finish" button of the installer has a checkbox that says something like "Launch DNA Master now?", but even if checked it won't actually launch DNA Master. You'll still need to open it by locating the correct icon in the folder where it was installed. –Dan |
Link to this post | posted 08 Jan, 2019 18:40 | |
Thanks, I have class at 3:30 so will hopefully get it all configured.
RS Pollenz
Link to this post | posted 14 Jan, 2019 17:49 | |
Hi Dan, What's the current DNA Master version? I have 5.23.1 Build 2492 from 29 Jan 2017. I've been trying to update it but I consistently get an error message ("Error in DNA Master Update) and later a notice saying that "This version is up-to-date". However, I saw in one of your earlier posts that you mentioned a newer version than the one I have. Any ideas? Thanks a lot! Manuel |
Link to this post | posted 14 Jan, 2019 18:53 | |
Hi Manuel, that is definitely an out of date version. Current version on my computer is dated Nov 2019, and I just ran the updater and there is even a more recent one than that. Usually when the program refuses to update it is not being launched with admin rights. Best, Welkin |
Link to this post | posted 14 Jan, 2019 19:36 | |
Thanks, Welkin; that did the trick! I'm now running build 2604 from 08 January. Unfortunately, I've now encountered a couple of errors that I haven't been able to resolve. See images attached. Thanks in advance, Welkin, for any feedback! Best, Manuel |
Link to this post | posted 14 Jan, 2019 19:37 | |
Here's the other error message: |
Link to this post | posted 14 Jan, 2019 19:46 | |
Hi Manuel, Did you follow our newest guide for installing DNA Master? https://phagesdb.org/media/docs/DNAMasterInstallationGuide.pdf It suggests that you install DNA Master in a location other than the /Program Files (x86)/ folder. That way you shouldn't run into the Administrator issues, which is still what those errors look like to me. –Dan |
Link to this post | posted 14 Jan, 2019 20:08 | |
I agree with Dan— It still looks like admin issues. I *think* you can move the entire already installed DNA Master folder from /Program Files to another location without reinstalling. Otherwise, make sure you set up the Desktop shortcut such that the program always launches with admin rights. Best, Welkin |
Link to this post | posted 04 Aug, 2021 18:02 | |
Hello, I can't seem to download the DNA Master program from my virtual machine on my MAC computer. I have followed the DNA Master installation guidelines and when I click on the DNA Master link on the http://cobamide2.bio.pitt.edu/computer.htm site I get a blank screen. Nothing happens. Any ideas on what I am doing wrong or any suggestions? Thanks! |
Link to this post | posted 04 Aug, 2021 18:02 | |
Hello, I can't seem to download the DNA Master program from my virtual machine on my MAC computer. I have followed the DNA Master installation guidelines and when I click on the DNA Master link on the http://cobamide2.bio.pitt.edu/computer.htm site I get a blank screen. Nothing happens. Any ideas on what I am doing wrong or any suggestions? Thanks! |