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Debbie Jacobs-Sera posted in Whole phage starterator reports
cdshaffer posted in Whole phage starterator reports
Shallee Page posted in Plaques appear on spot test, don't appear in titer
Viknesh Sivanathan posted in Plaques appear on spot test, don't appear in titer
Debbie Jacobs-Sera posted in Plaques appear on spot test, don't appear in titer
DNA Master and RBS data
Link to this post | posted 10 May, 2018 19:14 | |
I have some students that wish to finish annotating genomes into the summer. The following question has come up for two students who have installed DNA Master on their own PC. They have been successful in getting DNA Master to update as well. The program is working except that in the Frames view, when the RBS data function is used, it only displays one set of measurements of RBS strength ('Shine Delgarno score and SD space'. The options to choose Z scores and Kibbler scores and the like are not there. Why might they be missing (new version?) and is it possible to get them back? I hesitated to start this as a new topic but I did not find any answer to this issue within any of the other threads. Thank you! |
Link to this post | posted 10 May, 2018 21:40 | |
I just help a student yesterday install the WINE version on yer mac and after we installed, ran the updater and restarted DNA Master things just didn't look right. So I had the student check in the Help -> about menu. Sure enough, the auto-update had failed even though I saw her run the update and there were no error messages. We re-ran the auto-update again and it worked the second time. So I would recommend you double check to make sure the installed version is the one from April 2018. |