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Glimmer Failure on Auto Annotation
Link to this post | posted 16 Jan, 2017 15:31 | |
Ok, I updated DNA Master last week and I didn't see any of the choices for the secure connections. On trying to autoannotate, I got the Glimmer failure on my work machine. Re-downloaded DNA Master there and it won't auto annotate. Now I've re-downloaded at home, and get a Key Violation when I try to open a saved DNAM file. Then I can't autoannotate because I get an Access Violation message. Help!! |
Link to this post | posted 16 Jan, 2017 19:56 | |
I have checked on my mac, running DNA Master in a Windows 7 VM and the wine bottle version. Both worked for me so I can confirm that NCBI is up and running but it makes it difficult to diagnose why glimmer is failing for you. Just to check, I have version 5.23.1 from 03 Dec 2016, check yours, maybe the auto-update failed and you are still running an older version with the secure connections issue. As for the Key and access violations that should not be the cause of glimmer failure, see this page for more info and how to fix: http://phagesdb.org/DNAMaster/faq/ |
Link to this post | posted 16 Jan, 2017 20:09 | |
Thanks Chris - my problem actually seems to be the Admin issue. It worked beautifully last spring on this same computer, but not now! So I've got it running when I give it admin privileges. Thank you - the faq helped, and I had overlooked that when searching everywhere else. Lynn |
Link to this post | posted 18 Jan, 2017 15:36 | |
We're having lots of students (but not all students) that continue to get the "Glimmer Failure" error even though they have updated DNA Master. As noted above, the majority of these students are the ones running DNA Master on Macs using WINE. |
Link to this post | posted 26 Jan, 2017 17:25 | |
My students are also getting this error, and they all have Macs but none of them are using Wine. |
Link to this post | posted 26 Jan, 2017 17:54 | |
They also have the latest DNA Master version. They will check on admin privileges with IT.Miriam Segura-Totten |
Link to this post | posted 28 Jan, 2017 17:41 | |
We are starting to wonder whether the issue is with Windows 10 VM (DNA Master works well on computers natively running Win7). I can't make the auto-annotation work and always get "Glimmer failure" (I can't blast a single gene either). Furthermore, despite having the latest build (03 DEC 2016), when I try to use "Web tools" to go to BLAST or other secure servers, the connection fails. I've installed and reinstalled the program several times (following Dan's advice) to no avail. Any help would be greatly appreciated, Dan!!! |
Link to this post | posted 28 Jan, 2017 17:44 | |
One of my students getting the Glimmer fail message checked with our IT and she has admin privileges in the Windows environment, so it's not that. All my students using Macs are using Windows 10 VM and only some are having issues…not sure what the problem is. I'm going to have IT install the software on a couple of the desktops in our classroom in case some students never figure this out. |
Link to this post | posted 28 Jan, 2017 17:46 | |
I'm running Win 10 on my home and office computers. I reinstalled DNA Master on both very recently and found that my issue is the admin privileges. I didn't see anywhere to do that when I installed DNA Master (but wasn't really looking for it), but if I right click on the DNA Master icon instead of just clicking to open it, I can choose to run as an admin. Then it all works. |
Link to this post | posted 28 Jan, 2017 17:49 | |
Thanks for the suggestion, Lynn, but my students already tried that and it didn't help (they all start DNA Master this way now). ![]() |