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Error when opening FASTA file
Link to this post | posted 24 Jan, 2017 22:10 | |
I downloaded my fasta file from the phagesdb website and when I try to export it, I get the message "TBCodonBias: Cannot perform this operation on a closed dataset." I am going to file, open, FastA multiple sequence file, export, and create sequence from this entry only (as said to in the DNA master annotation guide). I have tried deleting it and redownloading it, but the same message occurs. I am using a windows 10 PC. Any ideas? |
Link to this post | posted 25 Jan, 2017 16:14 | |
It sounds like you are not running the program as an administrator. Right-click on the program icon before you launch the program and choose "run as administrator". Then try to import your .fasta file. Best, Welkin |
Link to this post | posted 25 Jan, 2017 17:59 | |
I've tried running as an administrator and deleting the file and redone loading it, but I still get the same error message. |
Link to this post | posted 26 Jan, 2017 14:48 | |
What is the date and build is your installation? Look under "help –> about" |
Link to this post | posted 08 Feb, 2024 18:07 | |
Does anyone know how to resolve a "not a sequence form" error message when uploading a FASTA sequence file? |
Link to this post | posted 08 Feb, 2024 18:12 | |
Hi Nancy, Let's see if I can help. But I need more information. Are you in DNA Master, file -> open -> FastA multiple sequence file? Is the file the .fasta file for your phagesDB phage page. Is it a text file? Can you open a different dna master file and navigate around it. Have you tried more than 1 different fasta file? debbie |
Link to this post | posted 08 Feb, 2024 18:27 | |
Hi Debbie, A student keeps getting a "not a sequence form" error message when downloading the FastA file into DNA Master. Yes, that is correct. We clicked on File - Open - FASTA multiple sequence file. Yes, the file is a text file with a .fasta file name. We have not tried a different Fasta file. We only tried downloading the file from phageDB website as a text file and then received the error message. Thank you, Nancy |
Link to this post | posted 08 Feb, 2024 19:31 | |
Hi Nancy, Can you post the file here perhaps? Thanks, –Dan |
Link to this post | posted 08 Feb, 2024 19:39 | |
Hi Dan, Sure, the text file we used is attached. |
Link to this post | posted 08 Feb, 2024 21:00 | |
Hi Nancy, I used the posted file and was able to auto-annotate. Were other students able to annotate. sounds like something is up with the student's installation of DNA Master, or their Windows is interpreting the file as something it is not. debbie |