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Precipitation of CaCl2 in PYCA top-agar

| posted 06 Sep, 2024 21:34
Hello all,

Could "Bacto" Tryptone (pancreatic digest of casein - microbiological peptone) be used to replace the "fisher" brand peptone we are currently using for our top agar?
| posted 06 Sep, 2024 23:42
Hello all,

Could "Bacto" Tryptone (pancreatic digest of casein - microbiological peptone) be used to replace the "fisher" brand peptone we are currently using for our top agar?

It is likley that you'll be able to culture the bacteria we use for phage-hunting just as well using peptone or tryptone. However, for us to compare data from across the SEA program, I would recommend using peptone. If you use tryptone, it will be important for you to disclose this information (i.e. that you are not usingP PYCa) when contributing data to the program and when publishing elsewhere.
| posted 07 Sep, 2024 03:47
Thank you for your advice, I'll stick to peptone at least for the first semester trial. Thank you again for your timely response!
| posted 20 Sep, 2024 14:07

I am also having issues with my PYCa media. I made a batch of broth and top agar and they both became cloudy after adding the CaCl2 solution. There aren't any huge flaky crystals but still a visible change the media almost immediately after adding 1M CaCl2. I waited until the solutions were cooled to 55 C but this still happened. Is this media unusable or can it still be used for experiments? Is the only fix switching to Bacto Peptone like described in the earlier posts?
| posted 20 Sep, 2024 14:48

I am also having issues with my PYCa media. I made a batch of broth and top agar and they both became cloudy after adding the CaCl2 solution. There aren't any huge flaky crystals but still a visible change the media almost immediately after adding 1M CaCl2. I waited until the solutions were cooled to 55 C but this still happened. Is this media unusable or can it still be used for experiments? Is the only fix switching to Bacto Peptone like described in the earlier posts?

The precipitation could be problematic for at least two reasons: First, it is hard to tell if the media is contaminated and second, the precipitate itself, say calcium chloride, might have been a necessary component of the solution needed for infectivity. If you keep those two things in mind, you can still use your media. To address the possibility of contamonation, you'll want to include controls. For example, when using the top agar for a plaque assay, include a control where no host is added to the top agar. No lawn should form and the top agar should remain clear after 24 hours. To address the concern that precipitation might negatively impact infection, you'll want to pay attention to any change in infectivity for phages that you've isolated.

In the longer term, it would be good to change the media components. As we look to no longer use Fiher brand peptone, the HHMI SEA team hasn't had a chance to test alternatives to Bacto products that we know are quite expensive, but we plan to do so – more soon!
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