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RefSeq and INSDC name disagreements in NCBI Blast for Functonal Assignment

| posted 08 Jul, 2024 19:22
Hi all,
Be extremely cautious with using NCBI Blast hits for anything right now. Their Ref_Seq data is at the very least problematic and at its worst is just plain wrong. With our data set being so great, and if you only post 100 hits, using NCBI for anything yields nothing of value over a phagesDB blast because it will only hit our data. If you are not hitting our data, tread just as cautiously because that data may/may not be hand curated. Which means you could be comparing your data to raw Glimmer/GeneMark data with no personal evaluation. So it would not be very helpful. There are many cases in our forums where folks have hit Ref_Seq information that is incorrect.
| posted 11 Jul, 2024 21:10
I am glad to see this advice as it jibes completely with my experience!

Kyle MacLea
Associate Professor, University of New Hampshire at Manchester +1 603-641-4129
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