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cdshaffer posted in Whole phage starterator reports
fbaliraine posted in Phage DoRead Start at 52714 bp with 8 bp overlap vs start at 52718 with 4 bp overlap?
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Can´t make profile
Link to this post | posted 01 Jun, 2023 01:31 | |
Hi all, I'm ready to submit the files to phagesdb.org. However, when I try to create the profile for the final annotation, I receive the message "'3.0' is not a valid floating point value". I haven't been able to find a solution to this issue. Can anyone provide any assistance? Thank you in advance. Martín UNR |
Link to this post | posted 01 Jun, 2023 01:54 | |
Hi Martin, The final file is a correctly formatted .dnam5 file. It is not a "profile". What file are you working with? Here is the final file submission instructions. https://seaphagesbioinformatics.helpdocsonline.com/article-49 Once I know what you are working with i ca help more. debbie |
Link to this post | posted 01 Jun, 2023 02:13 | |
debbie Thank you for your prompt response! I'm currently creating the genome profile so that I can obtain the CSV file for the 'Review to Improve' process. I have attached a screenshot for reference. I would greatly appreciate any assistance you can provide. Best regards, Martín |
Link to this post | posted 01 Jun, 2023 02:13 | |
debbie Thank you for your prompt response! I'm currently creating the genome profile so that I can obtain the CSV file for the 'Review to Improve' process. I have attached a screenshot for reference. I would greatly appreciate any assistance you can provide. Best regards, Martín |
Link to this post | posted 01 Jun, 2023 02:18 | |
Hi Martin, Are you on a mac or pc? Do you have excel? iI you do not, uncheck the load into excel box and see if that works. if not, send your .dnam5 files to me. debbie |
Link to this post | posted 20 Feb, 2025 16:58 | |
Hi! I am trying to make a genome profile of M. smeg, and I am also getting this "Floating point division by zero" error message. I've tried unchecking the "Load into Excel" box and a variety of other check/uncheck options, but I keep getting the error. My students want to see all of the tRNAs, and this seemed easier than having them pour through the entry on GenBank… Thanks for your help! Nikki |
Link to this post | posted 20 Feb, 2025 17:47 | |
Hi Nikki, You have done what I would have done. It is, I think, a Windows error. Have you closed and re-opened DNA Master? You may have to re-start Windows. if you send me the file, i can make it for you. debbie |
Link to this post | posted 20 Feb, 2025 18:52 | |
I tried opening and closing DNA Master, but that didn't fix it. Haven't tried a reboot of the actual computer. I'll give that try a bit later, and if still no luck, I'll shoot the file to you. Thanks, Debbie! |