The official website of the HHMI Science Education Alliance-Phage Hunters Advancing Genomics and Evolutionary Science program.

Abstract Submission and Posters for the 2019 SEA-PHAGES Symposium

The 2019 SEA Symposium is approaching, and we want you to submit abstracts and prepare posters, because you've done amazing things and we want to know about it.

Students at the Symposium are expected to submit only one scientific abstract from the student's institution about actinobacteriophage work they accomplished this year. Abstracts will be presented as posters at the Symposium. Only one poster space will be set aside for each participating school's students. Each school may also submit up to one additional faculty abstract to be presented by the attending faculty. Some of the faculty abstracts will be selected for presentation at the poster session. Cohort 12 schools will not submit any abstracts for the 2019 SEA Symposium.

Abstract titles can be up to 200 characters long. Abstract body text can be up to 3,000 characters long. A photo (headshot) for each presenter is needed to submit an abstract.

Abstracts selected for talks will also present a poster. Posters can't be bigger than 4’ x 4’. Poster headings should include a title, names of authors, and the name of your institution. SEA-PHAGES and HHMI have LOGOS for your poster.

Faculty at schools that are participating in the Symposium should work together to ensure that one student abstract and no more than one faculty abstract are submitted from your institution. Users with faculty accounts on can submit abstracts from the faculty timeline page or the "My Institution" link on the homepage.

Abstracts are due on Thursday, May 2, 2019.

Keep in touch with the most up-to-date information on the upcoming Symposium. Email if you have any questions.

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