The official website of the HHMI Science Education Alliance-Phage Hunters Advancing Genomics and Evolutionary Science program.

Genomes to move to Exchange June 15

This was sent as an email from to all faculty: Dear Faculty, Thank you very much for the annotations you've submitted over the past few days. We appreciate the time that you are taking to bring your files up to the newest standards. This will make our review go much more quickly! As we've previously stated on March 1 2018 (See below), we are trying very hard to get all of outstanding genomes annotated and into GenBank. To that end: We will be moving all Genomes with a due date of May 15 2018 to the Genome Exchange on June 15 2018. Genomes that have been submitted but did not pass QC still have a due date of May 15. Please make the suggested changes and resubmit! If you have not taken the time to do so PLEASE look at your institution page on to see which genomes from your institution are overdue. If you do not plan to annotate them, you can easily move them to the Exchange and change that annoying red box on your page back to green. Please let me know if you have any questions and we will see you soon. Welkin Email sent to you on March 1 "Dear SEA-PHAGES Faculty, Last year, in order to help move toward 100% archiving success, we added an archiving tracking system to that showed which phages from your school remain unarchived. Thanks for your continued attention to updating your phages’ information at PhagesDB and your cooperation in getting missing samples into the archives. Now, faced with more than 1000 genomes that have been sequenced but are not yet in GenBank, we’ve added an annotation tracking system to as well. The goal is to keep annotations moving along at a brisk pace, reduce the backlog of unannotated genomes, and ensure everyone knows what genomes they are responsible for and when their annotations are due. This system is now live on, and can be found by logging in and navigating to your institution’s home page. There, you will be able to see all of your in-progress annotations as well as those you’ve already submitted with their statuses and due dates. You can also use the “Actions” link for any genome to donate it to the Genome Exchange*, change the contact person, or request an extension.

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