The official website of the HHMI Science Education Alliance-Phage Hunters Advancing Genomics and Evolutionary Science program.

2016 Symposium and T-shirt contest

It's less than two months to the Symposium and Faculty Retreat/Workshop. We hope you're as excited as we are! Below, find some basic information about the upcoming gatherings.

Symposium – June 10-12, 2016, Janelia Research Campus

The 2016 8th Annual SEA-PHAGES Symposium will follow a similar format as previous years with the primary focus being on the scientific developments during the past year. Our keynote speaker on Friday evening is Bonnie Bassler (HHMI Investigator, Princeton University).

Each school participating in the 2016 Symposium is expected to submit one scientific abstract about bacteriophage work accomplished by students this year. Each of the abstracts will be reviewed and considered for a student-delivered scientific talk; all students will present a poster on this work at the Symposium. The poster dimensions must fit into an area no larger than 4’x4’.

Abstracts are due on Monday, May 9, 2016.

To submit an abstract for the meeting, you must be a verified SEA-PHAGES faculty member, and you must log in to After doing so, you can use the link below to submit an abstract, or go to your institution's page and follow the link found there. Abstract titles can be up to 200 characters long, and abstract body text can be up to 3,000 characters long.

Submit an abstract

T-Shirt Design Competition

Like phages, but also art and graphic design? This document contains instructions for a t-shirt design competition that can be sent out to all students that have participated in the SEA-PHAGES project over the last academic year regardless of whether or not they are attending the Symposium. We’d appreciate it if you would distribute the flyer to all of your students. The winning design will be announced prior to the Symposium and be used to create t-shirts for Symposium attendees. The deadline to submit a design is April 30, 2016. Design submissions should be sent to

Keep in touch with the most up-to-date information on the upcoming Symposium on the meeting page.

As always, contact us with any questions!


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