The official website of the HHMI Science Education Alliance-Phage Hunters Advancing Genomics and Evolutionary Science program.

Assembling Reads with Newbler

A video tutorial about how to use 454's assembly program Newbler (aka GS De Novo Assembler) to assemble bacteriophage genomes that have been sequenced by 454, Illumina, or Ion Torrent technologies.

2:57 Usable file types
5:50 Assembling 454 reads (.sff)
8:37 Assembling Illumina reads (.fastq)
9:47 Newbler results/output
14:07 Ion torrent reads
16:27 Launching consed

This video is featured in the following channel: Assembly and QC

Recorded and edited by Dan Russell.

Added: Oct 30, 2015

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