The official website of the HHMI Science Education Alliance-Phage Hunters Advancing Genomics and Evolutionary Science program.

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All posts created by wynn

| posted 20 May, 2019 21:42
It has been a while since I taught SEA-PHAGES, but I think some of my students' phage DNA appeared smeary on their gels. I did a quick check of their final posters and found the attached image, which shows some smearing of uncut DNA in lane 3. Is this the kind of smearing you mean? Let me know if you need a higher resolution image, and I can try to track it down from the lab notebook.

If it's of interest to you, the phage is Scootypjr (phage page: The student wasn't able to extract enough DNA to send for sequencing, but there is an archived lysate available.
Posted in: Phage BiologyDNA Smear
| posted 27 Apr, 2017 12:26
Thank you for the suggestion! I emailed Dr. Jacobs, and here are his responses:
1) There is no firm deadline, but he would like to schedule interviews within a week, so please have students submit resumes soon.
2) The position is open to students who have completed only the first semester of SEA-PHAGES.
Posted in: General Message Board2017 Summer Opportunity at Albert Einstein College of Medicine
| posted 26 Apr, 2017 19:16
Thank you for posting this great opportunity! I have a few questions:
1) What is the deadline for students to apply?
2) Are positions open to students who have completed the first semester of SEA-PHAGES, or only to those who have completed both semesters?

Thank you again!
Posted in: General Message Board2017 Summer Opportunity at Albert Einstein College of Medicine