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All posts created by mxo11

| posted 14 Jan, 2019 19:37
Here's the other error message:
Posted in: DNA MasterProblem installing DNA Master on Windows 10
| posted 14 Jan, 2019 19:36
Thanks, Welkin; that did the trick! I'm now running build 2604 from 08 January. Unfortunately, I've now encountered a couple of errors that I haven't been able to resolve. See images attached. Thanks in advance, Welkin, for any feedback!


Posted in: DNA MasterProblem installing DNA Master on Windows 10
| posted 14 Jan, 2019 17:49
Hi Dan,

What's the current DNA Master version? I have 5.23.1 Build 2492 from 29 Jan 2017. I've been trying to update it but I consistently get an error message ("Error in DNA Master Update) and later a notice saying that "This version is up-to-date". However, I saw in one of your earlier posts that you mentioned a newer version than the one I have. Any ideas? Thanks a lot!
Posted in: DNA MasterProblem installing DNA Master on Windows 10
| posted 01 Feb, 2017 18:01
From the shot I couldn't tell if you got any features at all. Did you? (When I try auto-annotation, all I get is a couple of tRNAs…smile
Posted in: DNA MasterProblem installing DNA Master on Windows 10
| posted 01 Feb, 2017 17:56
So, I updated DNA Master to the latest version (the build released a couple of days ago, on 29 January). Still, can't auto-annotate because of GLIMMER failure! Has any one seen this? Has anyone installed DNA Master on a Win10 VM? Does it work?
Posted in: DNA MasterGlimmer Failure on Auto Annotation
| posted 30 Jan, 2017 13:58
Keith and all,

I agree. I've tried all possible permutations (from installing and reinstalling, changing privileges, adjusting compatibility to different Win versions… even running auto-annotation at ungodly hours) and the problem persistssmile. My students all run DNA Master on desktops running Win 7 without any trouble (except when trying web tools -> Blast: the page can't be opened); I'm the only one running it on a Win10 VM. So, for the time being, in order to keep up with what my students are doing, I'll run the auto-annotation and BLASTing on a loaner laptop running Win7 (I also want to be able to do this with my students at the same time).


Edited 30 Jan, 2017 14:02
Posted in: DNA MasterGlimmer Failure on Auto Annotation
| posted 28 Jan, 2017 17:41
We are starting to wonder whether the issue is with Windows 10 VM (DNA Master works well on computers natively running Win7). I can't make the auto-annotation work and always get "Glimmer failure" (I can't blast a single gene either). Furthermore, despite having the latest build (03 DEC 2016), when I try to use "Web tools" to go to BLAST or other secure servers, the connection fails. I've installed and reinstalled the program several times (following Dan's advice) to no avail. Any help would be greatly appreciated, Dan!!!
Posted in: DNA MasterGlimmer Failure on Auto Annotation
| posted 12 Jan, 2017 13:20
Hi Debbie,

Is there a chance the site is down again? I've been trying to connect but can't get there.


Posted in: DNA MasterSite down?