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All posts created by hmcferrin
Link to this post | posted 04 Jun, 2023 13:49 | |
Hello All, There is now a somewhat more streamlined way to install VMWare Fusion and Windows 11 for ARM on Macs with silicon chips (M1/M2 chips used since 2021 for many apple machines) for free, and this type of installation allows for Windows updates. This approach will require free accounts with VMWare and Windows/Microsoft. DNAMaster is not available at the moment for download or update, but a previously installed DNAMaster folder containing a relatively recent version of the software (and preferences) can be copied onto a thumbdrive or cloud-based drive and then placed on the Desktop into Windows 11 running on VMWare fusion. All of the functions that I have tried so far have worked. Once installed, you will need to go into DNAMaster File > Preferences > Timed Events and deselect automatic updates until DNAMaster updates become available again. If you have trouble accessing BLAST through DNAMaster, let me know and I will post some extra steps that I tried but don’t think are necessary. Hopefully, I didn't skip anything. 1. Create an account and download (free) VMware Fusion Technology Preview II 22H2 from https://customerconnect.vmware.com/downloads/get-download?downloadGroup=FUS-PUBTP-22H2 2. Scan pp1-7 of the attached VMWare companion guide for conventions and notes. 3. Skip to page 36 of the companion guide for directions on how to install Windows ARM in VMWare. A few notes about this process: You will download the w11arm_esd2iso ISO creation utility version 3.0.1 from the VMware Fusion Documents forum at the following link: https://communities.vmware.com/t5/VMware-Fusion-Documents/w11arm-esd2iso-a-script-to-create-Windows-11-ARM-ISOs-from/ta-p/2957381 The file is at the bottom of the page will be named w11arm_esd2iso-V3.0.1.zip. The exact name represents the version of the utility contained in the zip file. You will need to use the Mac Terminal app for portions of this, and you can find it using Spotlight. Commands in Terminal are case-sensitive, and pay attention to whether there are lower case L’s (l) or the number 1s which look very similar. Important: Where w11arm_esd2iso-V3.0.zip is specified in the companion guide, the current version is 3.0.1 not 3.0, so you will type that instead. Also important: It is a good idea to read each step in its entirety because occasionally you will need to customize something rather than just clicking ‘continue’ . Finally, in step 8, you should be prepared to click your mouse quickly in the VMware screen before it times out, and when setting up Windows, you will be asked for a Microsoft/Windows account. My work account didn’t work, so I setup a new free personal account using my gmail address as the user ID. This seems to be a stable and free way of using DNAMaster on new Macs; however, the issue of not being able to share files and copy/paste from the MacOS to the Windows side and vice-versa persists. Additional workarounds for these issues are mentioned in sections 13.8 and 13.9 of the guide, but I haven’t tried them yet. I hope this helps. Harris
Harris McFerrin
Link to this post | posted 15 Dec, 2022 01:45 | |
VMWare Fusion 13 can be used with Windows 11 ARM Pro on a Mac with M1 chip: I have not seen the video, but the one at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YT82n3ikv-0& may be helpful in installing the software. As best as I recall, the steps are: 1)Make sure you are running an updated version of macOS13. 2)Download VMWare Fusion 13 at https://www.vmware.com/products/fusion/fusion-evaluation.html . I have only tried VMWARE Fusion Pro, but I have heard that the free player will work as well. 3)Sign up for Windows Insider Program at https://insider.windows.com/en-us/. 4)Download the Windows 11 Client ARM64 Preview (Beta Channel) – Build 2258 at https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/software-download/windowsinsiderpreviewARM64 5)Run VMWare fusion 13 on your Mac. 6)FILE > NEW > CREATE A CUSTOM VIRTUAL MACHINE. 7)Select Microsoft Windows > Windows 11 64-bit Arm ![]() I haven't been able to copy and paste or drag files between the Windows and the Mac side at this point, which would make working with sequences easier.
Harris McFerrin