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All posts created by cristian2

| posted 13 Mar, 2019 18:54
Thanks Steven and Welkin,
I have tried to compare with a set of 20 phages and the negative values was still there. Then I ran the online version of the program with the sequences of two phages with -1.0% ANI and the result was the same. I don`t know what is the problem with these phages..


Posted in: DNA MasterGenome Comparison
| posted 13 Mar, 2019 11:21
Thank you very much Steven. I ran the stand alone version of OrthoANI without any problem. The only thing is that some value of ANI was -1.0 (negative).Do you know what could be the reason?
Thank you again
Posted in: DNA MasterGenome Comparison
| posted 11 Mar, 2019 21:51
Thanks cdshaffer and Steven,
I need to compare 80 genomes all-vs-all to build a double entry matriz with the ANI values.
Do you know if these programs are suitable for this task?

Posted in: DNA MasterGenome Comparison
| posted 11 Mar, 2019 16:34
I am trying to make a genome comparison to calculate the ANI values, but when I run the analyses DNA Master shows a warning message "pair analysis exception".
Could someone please help me with this error??

Thanks in advance

Posted in: DNA MasterGenome Comparison