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All posts created by amaya
Link to this post | posted 17 Feb, 2022 22:25 | |
Hi Debbie, Two of my students are having the same issue as above, whereas the rest did not have the issue at all (!!!). They have done the steps in the link posted above but it is not working either. I will try to go through the steps as well, but I have it working in my laptop -which is what these two students are using- and I am afraid to jinx it there too! I will send you the file in an email; it is just odd how it works for some students but not in others. THey have all updated and restarted DNAMaster. Thanks! PS. I am attaching the error message that they get when they try to open this file; but not when they open the fasta file. |
Link to this post | posted 08 Feb, 2022 00:26 | |
debbie Debbie, None of my students DNAMaster Preferences page looked like that -like the one on the manual and the one you have posted here. They were missing the bottom part (with the box checked) and the rest of the menu. They've installed DNAMaster from the link, and have updated and restarted, so I am not sure what else to do to get them to match the file from the guide. They also didn't have a Secure Connections tab (under Internet). One of them got the tRNAs autoannotated, but glimmer failure otherwise, and I think that that is related to these pages not being the same. I've sent them my auntoannotation for now and we are meeting again tomorrow so hopefully the y can do other functions of DNAMaster, but so far no autoannotations from them. |
Link to this post | posted 28 Jan, 2022 22:06 | |
Thank you both. This is very helpful. And thanks for the tip about the 8 gig needed. Yes, a different student also with a Mac had found Parallel and paid the $40 before coming to class. Our school has money for undergrad research so I will cover the less than a handful students that have this issue that way. Pardon to double up the Parallel discussion, Dan! I had not seen those other posts. Best, a. |
Link to this post | posted 27 Jan, 2022 20:16 | |
Hi! I have a student with a MacBook Air that is running into an error message with the VirtualBox installation. She downloads it just fine. Then a window opens with a Virtual Box icon, and when she clicks on it she gets: "Unsupported hardware architecture detected! The installer has detected an unsupported architecture. VirtualBox only runs on the amd64 architecture." I have added a screenshot of this. I have looked online a bit about this but couldn't find anything useful. Has any body run into this issue in the past? Are there some Macs that cannot handle VirtualBox? Thanks! |
Link to this post | posted 13 Jul, 2020 21:19 | |
Sounds good. Thank you! |
Link to this post | posted 13 Jul, 2020 21:09 | |
Hello! One of my students is scanning for promoter sequences in our finished genomes. I was going to ask her to just focus on the gaps with more than 50bp but she tried the prediction tool in DNAMaster and the entire genome was analyzed in a few seconds (even though the manual mentions that this should not be the case because it is such a computationally intensive task). My question is with regards to how to interpret the scores. I am still asking her to zero in those 50bp gaps, and to not even look at anything with an overall score lower than 0.6, but this cutoff is a bit random. Is there a "this is definitely not a promoter cutoff"? Thank you! |