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Link to this post | posted 20 Aug, 2024 01:42 | |
viknesh This is not the isolation host. I'll try to get a picture of that when I'm back in the lab tomorrow. I should not that this image is from a project looking at Citrobacter phages, but we have seen similar "spots" on Arthrobacter. |
Link to this post | posted 20 Aug, 2024 01:26 | |
viknesh Vic, that might be an explanation, except we are seeing the clearing on all dilutions down to -8. Lysis from without should rapidly dilute away. Notice that we have rows of "clearing", except they are not really clear. Sort of hazy, which naturally could be due to some lysogeny. But I wouldn't really expect a phage to spot like this further than the host on which it was isolated. |
Link to this post | posted 19 Aug, 2024 15:31 | |
Hey, Ryan. Did you ever figure this out? We're seeing "spots" forming when we do spot titers and host-preference assays, but then no real plaques forming. This actually seems to be a random issue on our plates, where we have a clear spot in our host lawns that don't yield any plaques when picked. But we're also seeing it very clearly on spot titers, where the spots clear, but there definitely are not plaques. It seems to be less bad when we use PYCa for dilutions, but still obvious. Attached is a spot titer plate showing the spots we get. Thanks! Justin |