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Link to this post | posted 07 Feb, 2025 21:07 | |
How is the RBS spacer distance counted in DNA Master? At which position in the Shine-Dalgarno sequence does the count start? I see an indication for how the spacer distance is calculated in the Bioinformatics Guide that doesn't seem to match what I see in DNA Master. The article indicates it counts from the G (in brackets): TAAGGAG[G]TA. (This raised other questions for me since I don’t think that G is even in the consensus sequence in the Kibler6 scoring matrix. See attachment.). https://seaphagesbioinformatics.helpdocsonline.com/article-24 When I look at output of SD sequences identified in DNA Master, it looks to me like the count starts earlier in the consensus sequence (where I have inserted the "|" symbol): TAA|GGAGGTA Examples of sequence upstream of annotated starts: • TCAAGACAA|GGAGACAAGCGCC spacer distance 13. Gene 12 Andre, z-score 3.17. • ACCCGCTCACAGAGA|GGAAGAA spacer distance 7. Gene 19 Andre, z-score 3.15. • AAACCATGAAA|GGAAGGCCATC spacer distance 11. Gene 8, MulchExplorer, Z-score 3.22. I'm also curious whether the spacer distances you see in the Karlin Medium Shine-Dalgarno spacer matrix in the local settings of DNA Master are counted the same way as the spacer distances in the "Choose ORF start" RBS window (accessed through the Frames window in DNA Master). A few extra questions on RBS sequence analysis in DNA Master: Also, does the z-score in the RBS table take into account the spacer distance? I know the final score does and that the raw score does not, but I'm not sure about the z-score. Are there any good resources that could help students interpret these scores and connect these scores to some basic concepts in statistics? Looking at this made me realize I also have some questions about the Kibler6 consensus sequence matrix and what it is looking for. The consensus sequence highlighted in the Kibler6 matrix cuts off earlier than I would have expected given other descriptions of the SD consensus sequences. See attached document for screenshots and descriptions of what I've been trying to sort out. Thank you so much! (Edit: seems my word doc attachment won't upload) |
Link to this post | posted 28 May, 2024 13:02 | |
As a follow up to this, I have found more genes with the same architecture. My gene of interest is the Andre gene that has its stop at 49133. It also has the pattern 1) DNA primase/polymerase, 2) Helicase, 3) DNA binding domain. In the process of looking for a way to separate this from the typical DNA primase/helicase architechture, I noticed that the example gene given in the approved function list for "DNA primase/polymerase/helicase" (GreenHearts_47) also has this same architecture. (The approved function list specifies that it is supposed to have three different domains.) So far as I can tell, the difference between the approved function list's example “DNA primase/helicase” and the approved function list's example “DNA primase/polymerase/helicase” does not seem to have anything to do with the presence of an additional polymerase domain. Rather, the second gene includes a C-terminal DNA binding domain. I attached annotated screenshots of these HHPred hits in the same format that Chris used above. The pham containing the Andre gene (with stop 49133) calls a mix of "DNA primase/helicase" and "DNA primase/polymerase/helicase." I assume the genes in the pham generally have a similar architecture to the Andre gene (HHPred screenshot in attachment). The approved function list does not have a call along the lines of “DNA primase/helicase/DNA binding," but I’m wondering if that is the gene architecture that most of the genes currently called “DNA primase/polymerase/helicase” actually have? Is there a way to search PhagesDB genes by the functional annotations they were assigned? I'd be interested in looking at more genes with the "DNA primase/polymerase/helicase" call in other phams. |
Posted in: Functional Annotation → GG cluster DNA primse/helicase
Link to this post | posted 04 Apr, 2024 00:41 | |
afreise In the final annotation of Usavi, would it be Usavi_9 that is the example of this call, rather than Usavi_10? https://phagesdb.org/genes/Usavi_CDS_9/ |