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Link to this post | posted 22 Feb, 2021 21:52 | |
Hi, Thank you so much, that has been really helpful, Best wishes Greg |
Posted in: Phamerator → Connecting to Actinobacteriophage Database
Link to this post | posted 22 Feb, 2021 15:37 | |
Hi I’m hoping someone can help. I have been trying to connect to the Actinobacteriophage database directly using mySQL and I found some instructions on https://pdm-utils.readthedocs.io/en/latest/installation/install_database.html and followed those but hit a stumbling block as the location of the file holding the data is given as http://phamerator.webfactional.com/databases_Hatfull/Actinobacteriophage.sql but it gives a file not located error. Does anyone know what location the actual database file is accessible from so that I can just make a local copy and access it using mySQL or something similar? Many thanks Greg |
Posted in: Phamerator → Connecting to Actinobacteriophage Database