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Top Agar contamination
Link to this post | posted 23 Feb, 2024 21:50 | |
Has anyone ever had an issue with thermophile contamination in their top agar? We've cultured the thermophile to a PYCa plate and growth only occurs at 60C and not 37C. We think we narrowed it down to our calcium chloride and/or dextrose. Both were remade and filtered and we still are having contamination issues. Our host bacteria is M. foliorum, so our thermophile doesn't appear to be interfering with it's growth, but we still don't like have another bacteria in there with our host culture. ~Joe |
Link to this post | posted 24 Feb, 2024 15:26 | |
jdaft@leeuniversity.edu Can't say I've heard from the community about an issue like this. Can you share more about how you discovered it, since it doesnt grow at 37? Photos would be great too. Vic |
Link to this post | posted 11 Mar, 2024 13:46 | |
PYCa plate inoculated with contaminated top agar and incubated at 60C. |
Link to this post | posted 11 Mar, 2024 13:46 | |
PYCa plate inoculated with contaminated top agar and incubated at 28C. |
Link to this post | posted 11 Mar, 2024 13:49 | |
We did a Gram stain and it appears that the organism is Gram (-). We're not dismissing that it could be archaea, but we haven't looked into what it would take to confirm that. |
Link to this post | posted 18 Mar, 2024 14:53 | |
Thanks for sharing, Joe. I think this is going to be ver helpful for other faculty if they are seeing all their top agar get contaminated on a regular basis. Hvae you been able to narrow it down to your dextrose or calcium chrloride solution. Any more info you can share will be helpful for the community. |