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Debbie Jacobs-Sera posted in How is the RBS spacer distance counted?
Hemiparasite posted in How is the RBS spacer distance counted?
cdshaffer posted in AAA ATPase or RecA recombinase?
hnance@ccga.edu posted in AAA ATPase or RecA recombinase?
Debbie Jacobs-Sera posted in AAA ATPase or RecA recombinase?
Serine Integrase
Link to this post | posted 03 Dec, 2021 18:48 | |
Unlike most of the Microbacterium phages we have found to date (12-2-21), Cluster EH phages are temperate and do have a serine integrase. We see 3 different phams of serine integrases in these genomes so far. There are 7 members in this cluster at this time - Floof, GardenState, Gretchen, Honk, IAmGroot, Percival and Zeta1847. Their starts are called correctly. Look for the serine residue ~ 8-20 bases of the start. Serine integrases are sometimes called large recombinases because of their size. A good read is found here: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/26350324/ |