Hi all! Sometimes you may be looking for a reference genome and this might help. As of Sept., 2018 I am trying to clear the backlog of genomes and am attacking them cluster by cluster. Cluster B1s are on my list. As of today, October 24, 2018, I have QC'd 9 Cluster B1 phages to the best of my ability. I have cross-checked starts, respected Start-Associated-Sequences and addressed functions as well as I could. I will continue to bust through the list of whatever else is out there, but please use the following genomes as well scrutinized guides for your current/future Cluster B1 annotations:
Altwerkus, Cannibal, Dione, Jillium, Keitherie, LuckyMarjie, Riggan, Spartan300, and Zelda.
As I do more, I will add them to the list.