Hello everyone!

The Division of Biology at Kansas State University is seeking a full-time Teaching Assistant Professor (title may vary based on degree and credentials) to teach undergraduate classes beginning August 2025. The successful applicant will be responsible for solo or co-delivery of 5-6 courses per academic year in the areas of, but not limited to, microbiology, and introductory biology using modern technology and active learning principles. The position is a nine-month academic year appointment, with opportunities for additional course delivery during the summer semester. Instructional responsibilities include classroom, laboratory, and online instruction, laboratory setup, preparation and maintenance of syllabi and other class materials, evaluation of student competence, assessment of student mastery of course learning objectives, and preparation of student progress and grade reports. Other responsibilities may include participation on Division of Biology standing committees and involvement in campus events such as open houses, student award ceremonies, and graduation ceremonies. Opportunities for mentoring undergraduate research projects also may be available.

Find more about this position at https://www.k-state.edu/biology/about/employment/
Edited yesterday, 20:51