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uOttawaPHAGE posted in Minor Tail protein or Hydrolase?
jdaft@leeuniversity.edu posted in Tail assembly chaperones
Viknesh Sivanathan posted in Recording Data for Attempts to Raise Lysogens
Debbie Jacobs-Sera posted in when Glimmer and Genemark call genes in different strands
Debbie Jacobs-Sera posted in when Glimmer and Genemark call genes in different strands
Tail assembly chaperones
Link to this post | posted 27 Jul, 2023 20:59 | |
As of July 2023, we do not have sufficient HHPred evidence to confidently identify the tail assembly chaperone (TAC) genes in this cluster, so call them as "hypothetical proteins" without a frameshift for now. Older annotations may have called these genes as tail assembly chaperones using synteny, but newer research on TACs has shown that synteny alone is not sufficient evidence to make a functional determination of TAC for a gene. If you encounter matches to tail assembly chaperones in other annotated phages within this cluster or other clusters, look for Pham matches to Adjutor gp26 or Adjutor gp27. If the gene you are annotating is found in the same Pham as Adjutor gp26 or gp27, it should not be annotated as a tail assembly chaperone at this time. |
Link to this post | posted yesterday, 15:04 | |
We are currently working on an annotation for a EF cluster phage (Annapurna). When we compare Annapurna to its two closest relatives (DannieDe and FreddieHg) they do call tail assembly chaperone for genes 26/27 (phamerator). Are we still not calling tail assembly chaperones or has this changed? Thanks! |